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February 04, 2006
San Rafael Project- Completed Images
Here is a follow up to the first two rounds (Progress 1 & Progress 2) of images I posted from a current job in San Rafael. We have completed work with the installation of two additional concrete pads to match the existing pathway and facilitate access along the driveway.
Final Lawn, New Pathway Sections & Copper Lights
Wire Trellis with Pink Jasmine Vine
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Posted by Michael O'Connell at February 4, 2006 06:59 PM
Nice looking wall. Did you do the neighbor's wall up the hill as well? Looks similar. I recently stumbled upon your site and have enjoyed your blog. Its nice to see what guys are doing on the other coast.
Posted by: Paul Martoccia at February 8, 2006 03:48 PM
Thanks for the comment Paul. That wall is a Sonoma Fieldstone that is native to Northern California. They turn it up in the rocky areas around Napa, all the way to Oregon border, and it is frequently used for rock walls. The neighbors wall was not done by us, it is the same material, but is mortared, not dry laid. Looks like you have a similar operation back East.
Posted by: Michael O'Connell at February 8, 2006 04:07 PM
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