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July 13, 2006

Customer Service Observations

After recently having a delightful experience with Southwest Airlines Customer Service in the terminal, and because we are doing quite a bit of flying lately, we were going to sign up for a Southwest Rapid Rewards credit card for our business. However, after getting run around in circles with Southwest's credit card company, Chase, we gave up on the idea (we only would have saved a couple hundred bucks anyway). It just goes to show that even when your business does a great job at service, there can still be issues with associates. In contracting this frequently occurs with subcontractors.

Shamrock Goes Upscale
Shamrock Materials has recently gone upscale, with a new remodeled stone showroom and phone tree for their San Rafael store. Hopefully, these changes will resonate throughout the customer service experience. Shamrock can get pretty busy, and getting good service over the phone can sometimes be a headache.

Posted by Michael O'Connell at July 13, 2006 04:39 PM


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