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August 15, 2006
Interesting Garden Water Features
Doing some browsing recently through some of our links, I found some additional interesting resources of prefabricated water features. Premanifactured water features come in all shapes, sizes, design types and materials.
Trevi, a manufacturer based in Las Vegas, has some interesting designs that depart from your classic Italian fare that you see at most garden centers.
Stonesmith Garden Vessels (SVG), out of Cambria, California, has unique modern designs.
A. Silvestri & Co., out of San Francisco, has a wide array of classical Italian and Spanish inspired designs.
Stone Forest, out of Santa Fe, has unique Granite and Stone Custom Fountains.
View our Materials Guide for more Water Feature resources and information
Posted by Michael O'Connell at August 15, 2006 01:10 PM
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